About Us

The Eden Homeowners’ Association (EHA) takes great pleasure in welcoming you to Eden. The EHA is a voluntary association open to both property owners and renters. Unlike mandatory HOAs, the EHA does not hold or yield the enforcement authority over property owners. In 1992, after the developer’s buildout of new homes in Eden, concerned residents realized the need to form an association with a mission to promote, preserve and enhance the quality of life and values in the Eden neighborhood. The EHA operates strictly as an association dedicated to keeping our members informed through developed relationships with city and state representatives.
We promote a community of neighbor helping neighbor that increases community safety and promotes a clean, fun and attractive neighborhood we can all proudly call “HOME.” The most notable financial responsibility of the EHA is the care and maintenance of the Eden Duck Pond. The EHA also maintains the entrance island, where a phased approach for improvements is underway with work scheduled as funds permit. The EHA schedules Clean Up Days at the pond and island when volunteers are encouraged to join in the effort to keep our entrance clean and make it ready to host our Spring and Fall Marketplace Fundraisers. Clean up days are fun and a great way to meet your neighbors! Other fun events sponsored by the EHA are the annual Holiday Lighting at the Pond, Neighborhood Night Out, Veterans’ Day Tribute and more – as funds and volunteer support permit! A major concern to the EHA is commercial development of the Thousand Oaks frontage property. Eden welcomes the development of neighborhood compatible businesses, but the EHA provides a forum for Eden residents to voice personal positions regarding developments that require a change to current commercial zoning. Annual Membership dues are only $50.00 and our fiscal year is October 1 through September 30. Additional donations are always welcomed, and periodic volunteerism of your time is greatly appreciated. The best method to communicate personally with our EHA leadership is through email at edennewswatch@gmail.com., and we welcome your posts to our website Message Board and our Facebook: www.facebook.com/edenduck pond
PLEASE JOIN THE EHA TODAY! This organization survives not just through membership but through dedicated membership and added donations.
Mission Statement
The purpose of the Eden Home Owners Association (HOA) is to provide an organized framework to promote and enhance the quality of life and values in the Eden neighborhood by:
- Extending opportunities through education of local topics of interest
- Elevating and promoting the image of the Eden neighborhood
- Encouraging community activities
- Promoting a sense of pride in Eden
- Establishing a direct line of communication with local government
- Advising on Eden improvement
- Providing a forum to voice concerns

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