Eden "Fall" MarketPlace
and Pond Revitalization Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Former Councilman Clayton Perry (Left) and current Councilman Marc Whyte (right)
The Eden "Fall" MarketPlace and Pond Revitalization Ribbon Cutting Ceremony was held on Saturday, October 21, 2023. Visiting to perform the ribbon cutting ceremony, was our former councilman, Clayton Perry, and our current councilman, Marc Whyte. Also, on hand to honor this occasion was two of the City’s Foresters, Mr. Michael Holinsky and Mr. Ross Hosea whose help was immeasurable during this effort.
The conceptual design and installation work was done by Mr. Troy Ellison and the team at OUTER SPACES DESIGNS, LLC.
This project began under the support of CM Perry and was finished with support by current CM Whyte. During his comments, CM Whyte said plans are underway to add safe sidewalk access to the park area.
As for the Marketplace, we extend a most sincere THANK YOU to Eddie’s Taco House for the donation of 200 breakfast tacos that were sold by the HOA at the event. Thanks to their generosity, this was the most successful fundraising Marketplace ever – grossing almost $2,000. A fun time was held by all as we orchestrated our first annual "Costume Contest"! All participants were Winners! We appreciate all who came out and enjoyed the fun on what was such a beautiful day!
Current Councilman Marc Whyte , Myrtle Parks, former Councilman Clayton Perry, and Troy Ellison from Outer Spaces
Eden HOA VP, Tim Quinn and
City of San Antonio rep, Ross Hosea
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